Chinese hackers accuses for stealing

US government accuses Chinese hackers of stealing jet engine IP :

It was a systematic hacking campaign led by intelligence officials that links back to Beijing.

  • The Justice Department has charged ten Chinese nationals -- two of which are intelligence officers of hacking into and stealing intellectual property from a pair of unnamed US and French companies between January 2015 to at least May of 2015.
  • The hackers used a combination of phishing schemes, malware , domain hijacking and using the company's own website as a "watering hole" , stealing visitors information and infiltrating their computers.
  • The malware installed in French company's Suzhou office was the Sakula malware , which was also used in Anthem, OPM , and other attack.
  • According to 2013 report by Kaspersky Another hacker's nickname, Gao "mer4en7y" Hong Kun, has been inked to Winnti , a Chinese state- sponsored group known for IP theft operations .
  • US said"State - sponsored hacking is a direct threat to our national security".The concerned effort to steal rather than simply purchase commercially available products should offend every company that invests talent, energy, and shareholder money into the development of products.